Surname: (required) First Name: (required) Home Address: (required) City: (required) Province: (required) Postal Code: (required) Home Phone Number: (required) Business Phone Number: (required) Email Address: (required) Preferred Method of Contact: (required)Home PhoneBusiness PhoneEmail
I, the undersigned, hereby apply to be considered for appointment as a Director of the Corporation, and in doing so, acknowledge and declare that:
Are you an employee, the spouse, common-law partner, child, parent, brother, or sister of a member of the Professional Staff who have privileges or of an employee of the Hospital, or any other relationship that would impede your independence of decision making?—Please choose an option—YesNo
Do you live with any health care professional or employee who works at the North Bay Regional Health Centre?—Please choose an option—YesNo
Have you been an employee of the organization anytime within the last three (3) years?—Please choose an option—YesNo
Are you a municipal, provincial or federal officeholder or elected official?—Please choose an option—YesNo
Are you under the age of eighteen (18) years?—Please choose an option—YesNo
Do you have an undischarged bankruptcy?—Please choose an option—YesNo
If you have responded YES to any of the above questions (1 through 5), unfortunately you are not eligible for election or appointment as a Director of the Corporation.
Please describe your interest in serving as a Director of the Corporation and any other information you would like to offer.
Maryann Burmudzija
50 College Drive, P.O. Box 2500 North Bay, ON P1B 5A4 Tel: 705-474-8600
680 Kirkwood Drive, Sudbury, ON P3E 1X3 Tel: 705-675-9193 Fax: 705-675-6817
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