Application to Become a Director

    Contact Information


    I, the undersigned, hereby apply to be considered for appointment as a Director of the Corporation, and in doing so, acknowledge and declare that:

    If you have responded YES to any of the above questions (1 through 5), unfortunately you are not eligible for election or appointment as a Director of the Corporation.

    Interest in NBRHC (optional)

    Contact Us:

    Maryann Burmudzija

    North Bay

    50 College Drive,
    P.O. Box 2500
    North Bay, ON
    P1B 5A4
    Tel: 705-474-8600

    North Bay


    680 Kirkwood Drive,
    Sudbury, ON
    P3E 1X3
    Tel: 705-675-9193
    Fax: 705-675-6817


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