Pre-Admission Clinic

The Pre-Admission Clinic provides a pre-operative assessment for patients (adults and children) requiring surgery. The purpose of a visit to the Pre-Admission Clinic is to ensure patients are well prepared for their surgery or procedure.

Patient appointments are booked by the Central Booking department (ext. 4907) before an operation or procedure. In some cases this booking may be a day, a week or a month before the date of the operation. The pre-admission clinic visit will take from one to three hours depending on the type of preparation required. Any required blood tests, cardiograms or X-rays may be done at this time or sometimes a second appointment is necessary. As well, patients will receive education about their surgery and are encouraged to bring a family member or friend to the appointment.

At the clinic patients may experience any number of the following activities:

  • The nurse will ask the patient questions about their health.
  • Teaching about the operation or procedure, what will happen and what are the important things patients need to know.
  • Discuss the care that the patient will experience before and during hospitalization.
  • Instructions regarding medication (if any) and its use before surgery.
  • Blood tests, x-rays or electrocardiogram.
  • Consultation with a medical specialist such as an anesthetist or internist.
  • Consultation with the blood conservation coordinator.

Please bring your Ontario Health Card with you. Please also bring your completed package and all medications in original containers. Learn how you can prepare for your surgery.

Pre-Admission Clinic


Pre-Admission Clinic
Level 200

Tel: 705-474-8600 ext. 4900

Hours of Operation:

Monday to Friday
8 am to 4:30 pm
(excluding statutory holidays)

RHC 2022 How to Prepare for Your Surgery

North Bay

50 College Drive,
P.O. Box 2500
North Bay, ON
P1B 5A4
Tel: 705-474-8600

North Bay


680 Kirkwood Drive,
Sudbury, ON
P3E 1X3
Tel: 705-675-9193
Fax: 705-675-6817


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