Serving the Northeast Region of Ontario, the Mental Health and the Law Service of the North Bay Regional Health Centre is designated by the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care to provide court-related forensic psychiatric assessment, treatment and community outreach support to adults with serious mental illness who are in conflict with the law. The courts are supported by the expert advice and opinions of our specialized psychiatrists and inter-professional teams who also work to facilitate the reintegration of patients back into the community in a safe and progressive manner, engaging family members, significant others and community partners.
Specialized inpatient assessment, rehabilitation and treatment services are provided in secure settings. A number of transitional services are also provided including case management, transitional housing and outreach support/follow-up. Transitional services are designed and organized around the goal of patient self-sufficiency and community placement.
Services include:
Treatment and rehabilitation is individualized, focused on recovery and community reintegration. We support an inter-professional collaborative team approach that includes the disciplines of forensic psychiatry, general psychiatry, family medicine, psychology, nursing, addictions counselling, social work, case management, occupational therapy, behaviour therapy, recreation therapy and vocational rehabilitation. Patients also have access to a number of hospital-wide services including the patient advocate, indigenous counsellors and peer support specialists. Our team works closely with our legal coordinators and legal counsel to ensure compliance with the Ontario Review Board decisions. Our outreach team also liaises with community agencies to ensure the safe transition and reintegration of patients.
We welcome and encourage the involvement of family in the care and treatment of our patients. The treatment team values your input and welcomes your involvement. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact our units or members of our team by calling the hospital switchboard at 705-474-8600.
[1]Fitness to Stand Trial relates to a person’s mental capacity to understand the nature, object or consequences of what happens in court, and communicate and instruct a lawyer
[2]Criminal responsibility relates to an individual’s mental capacity at the time of the offence and appreciation of the nature or quality of the act and knowing that it is wrong
Mental Health & the Law
Referrals to our services are ordered by the courts or the Ontario Review Board. To make a referral, please call 705-499-0014.
Judges Handbook A Summary of Important Features in Part XX.I of the Criminal Code and Considerations about Fitness to Stand Trial and Criminal Responsibility for Court Justice Officials in the Northeast Region. Third Edition, Revised September 2017