The Early Intervention in Psychosis Program (EIP) serves individuals aged 17 to 35 who are experiencing psychosis and who have not been treated for more than one year. Clinical services include intake/screening, assessment and treatment for people who have had their first episode of psychosis.
The EIP Program offers specialized outreach services which include: intensive case management; comprehensive assessments; medication management; advocacy; education about psychosis to support self efficacy; and supportive counselling for individuals and families. The EIP team will work collaboratively with the client and family to plan for the best possible functioning after discharge from the program.
Catchment Service Area for Program/Service
Nipissing District
Admission Criteria and Referral Process
Inclusion Criteria
Exclusion Criteria
Referrals are accepted from all sources including: self; family; social service agencies; educators; physicians; hospitals; etc.
Nipissing Early Intervention in Psychosis Program
Referrals are processed through Central Intake at 705-476-6240 extension 6294.