Archive for May, 2016

Virtual Critical Care Unit Receives Ministers Medal

The Critical Care Unit at NBRHC is one of 23 hospitals across northeastern Ontario that has joined the Virtual Critical Care [VCC] Unit, based at Health Sciences North in Sudbury.

The latest in videoconferencing technology and electronic medical records sharing connects HSN with other critical care units and emergency departments at hospitals across the North East.

Under the VCC model of care a team of intensive care physicians, specially trained nurses and intensive care unit respiratory therapists based at Health Sciences North are available for around the clock consultations and follow up visits for critically ill patients. Other allied health professional such as dieticians and pharmacists are also available for consultation during scheduled hours.

The Critical Care Unit team members
The NBRHC critical care team members receiving the medal as participants of the North East LHIN Virtual Critical Care Unit.

Health Centre receives official French Language Services Designation

The North Bay Regional Health Centre (NBRHC) has been legally designated as a provider of health care services in both official languages.

The Health Centre’s request for partial designation as a French-language service provider has been granted under the French Language Services Act. The Health Centre recognized their receipt of this designation today through a flag raising ceremony of the Franco-Ontarian flag.

“Today’s flag raising symbolizes our commitment to providing services and care to our francophone patients and their families,” says Paul Heinrich, NBRHC President and CEO. “I am proud to celebrate this important milestone in delivering high quality, patient-centered care.”

The partial designation means the Health Centre is legally required to offer some health services in French. Improving access, coordination and sustainability of health services in French for Francophones, helps the Health Centre attain its goals of ensuring quality care and improving the patient experience.

“The North East Local Health Integration Network (NE LHIN) commends NBRHC for its untiring dedication to the designation process. Efforts to offer services in French are very important in meeting the health care needs of our region,” says Lise Anne Boissonneault, Outreach and French Language Services Officer, North East LHIN. “Sometimes people find relaying their health concerns difficult. This communication can be even more difficult when people have to express their thoughts in a language that is not their mother tongue.”

The Health Centre is a district referral centre and the specialized mental health service provider serving all of northeast Ontario. In North Bay, approximately 15 per cent of the population identifies French as their first official language spoken, while across northeastern Ontario approximately 23 per cent of residents are Francophone.


Taylor Grant
Communications Assistant, NBRHC
705-474-8600 ext. 3131